Everyone has a story to tell. You want to share your story with the world. Be it fiction, non-fiction, biographical, or technical, you have decided you have something the universe needs to know. So, you want to share your story or knowledge in a book. But how do you get started? What does it take to get published? Should you self-publish or go with a publishing house?
This 2-hour webinar will cover the following areas:
• Self-Publishing: Should I or Shouldn’t I?
• Self-Publishing vs a Publishing House
• The Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing
• Self-Publishing Vendors
• Recap
• Q&A (Time-Limited)
• Important Links
• Upcoming Webinars
Attendee Requirements
• Computer
• Intermediate computer skills
• Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Word®
• Internet Access
• Createspace account
• Telephone (for conference calling)